Levi PinkertLevi PinkertLevi PinkertLevi Pinkert
Hello! I'm a third-year student at the University of Southern California studying computer science and game development. Over the past two summers, I've taught a computer science summer camp and done web development for a startup. In my free time, I design and build video games. Scroll down to learn more!
Work ExperienceWork ExperienceWork ExperienceWork Experience

iD Tech Camps

This summer, I taught coding camps at Caltech! I instructed classes of 10 students in coding fundamentals, using tools like JavaScript, C#, Unity, and Unreal Engine.


During the summer of 2022, I worked as a solo full-stack developer for a health startup focused on type 2 diabetes. I used React Native, NodeJS, and Firebase to develop a mobile and web application that analyzes continuous glucose data.


Scored 40th out of 5,714 submissions in GMTK Game Jam 2021. Made solo in 48 hours.

Do or Die!

245th out of 6,136 submissions in GMTK Game Jam 2022. Made by 3 people in 48 hours.


Winner of HackSC 2022's Entertainment category. A casual web game inspired by Worldle.

...And More

I've done more than 20 game jams throughout the past 6 years. These are some other noteworthy results.


I have copmleted 3 semesters of class in C++, earning all As. In ITP 380, I built a 3D game in C++ using only SDL.


I have used Java to build a WebSockets backend for a class project. I also use it for personal projects and competetive coding.


I used TypeScript extensively for both frontend and backend when I had my internship at Body.AI.


I built this very website (in addition to many others) using React. I also have lots of experience building cross-platform mobile apps with React Native.


I have used Firebase for Google Authentication, static site hosting, and database hosting. I am also very familiar with the Firebase Realtime Database.
Other AccomplishmentsOther AccomplishmentsOther AccomplishmentsOther Accomplishments

HP Code Wars

Won 1st place at HP Fort Collins' Code Wars 2021 using Java.

Lockheed Martin Code Quest

Placed 2nd at Lockheed Martin Denver's Code Quest 2019 using Java.